The Cover Up
Some of us have gotten comfortable covering up. We only want the world to see the parts of us we are proud of.
For years, I spelled everything phonetically. It was not until court reporting school that I learned there is a difference between their, there, and they’re.
Today I am a better speller and I have a dog-eared copy of Strunk and White’s “The Elements of Style” on my bookshelf. But more importantly, I have learned there is value in showing up. Whether we get it right or not is secondary.
Do not wait to live your life until you are dipped in gold or until you can spell correctly. I will give you my editor’s name and number. She can help you sort out the grammar stuff later. Our hearts do not care about perfection. The only thing they care about is that we let them lead from time to time.
Drop the robe. Let your whole self shine. You have nothing to hide and everything to love.
2025 is our Ode to the Bathing Suit. Because if we can love ourselves in a bathing suit, we can love ourselves anywhere.
Tell me. What is one self-loving thing you will do today?
Yours from the deep end,
Aka P. Marin